

영어 약어

나에+ 2017. 11. 9. 13:48

레딧이든 포럼이든 영어로 된 곳들을 돌아다니다면 축약어가 굉장히 많다는 걸 알게 됨. IMO, AKA, HQ, 등은 알고 있었는데.. 아무튼 영어로 이메일 쓰거나 할 적에 알아두면 편한 단어들.

*출처: 여기여기

AFAIK - As far as i know 

ADD - Address 

AKA - Also known as 

AMA - Ask me anything

A/S/L - Age/Sex/Location

ATP - All the best 

ASAP - As soon as possible

BFF - Best friend forever 

BFN - Bye for Now 

BTW - By the way 

BBL - Be back later 

BBN - bye bye now 

BBS - be back soon 

BRB - be right back 

BYOB - bring your own booze 

CYA - see you 

CM - call me 

CU - see you 

COS/CUZ - because 

CUL8R - see you later 

CID - consider it done 

IDK - I don't know 

DL - download 

EOD - end of debate 

EMSG - email message 

EZ - easy 

F2T - free to talk 

FFS - For fuck’s sake

FYI - for your information 

F2F - face to face 

HAGN - have a good night 

H8 - hate 

HTH - Hope This Helps

HBTU - happy birthday to you 

IC - I see 

IMO - in my opinion 

IOW - in other words 

IRL - In Real Life

JMO - just my opinion 

KIT - keep in touch 

LMAO - laughing my ass off 

LOL - laugh out loud

LMK - let me know 

MOB - mobile 

MSG - message 

MTH - month 

NVM - never mind 

NP - no problem 

NC - no comment 

NE1 - Anyone

POV - Point of view

ROFL - rolling off the floor laughing 

TGIF - thank god, it's Friday 

SOB - Son of (a) Bitch

GR8 - great 

TTYL - talk to you later 

ZZZ...  - (sleeping) 

2NYT - tonight 

M8 - mate 

NE1 - anyone

NSFW - Not safe for work

N2S - needless to say 

RSVP - please reply 

RIP - rest in peace 

BBQ - barbecue 

PIN - personal identify number 

e.g. - example 

i.e.  - that is, restate an idea 

etc. - et cetera = and so forth


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